


def ap [aefb] ( f : Vector[a -> b \ ef] v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Apply every function from f to every argument from v and return a list with all results. For f = f1, f2, ... and x = x1, x2, ... the results appear in the order f1(x1), f1(x2), ..., f2(x1), f2(x2), ....

def append [a] ( v1 : Vector[a] v2 : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Return a new vector, appending the elements v2 after elements of v1.

def compare [a] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Comparison \ Pure with Order[a]


Compares a and b lexicographically.

def count [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Int32 \ ef


Returns the number of elements in v that satisfy the predicate f.

def drop [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Alias for dropLeft.

def dropLeft [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a copy of vector v, dropping the first n elements.

Returns an empty vector if n > length(v).

def dropRight [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a copy of vector v, dropping the last n elements.

Returns an empty vector if n > length(v).

def dropWhile [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Alias for dropWhileLeft.

def dropWhileLeft [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Returns copy of vector v without the longest prefix that satisfies the predicate f.

def dropWhileRight [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Returns copy of vector v without the longest suffix that satisfies the predicate f.

def empty [a] : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns an empty (length zero) vector.

def enumerator [ra] ( rc : Region[r] v : Vector[a] ) : Iterator[(Int32, a), r, r] \ r


Returns an iterator over v zipped with the indices of the elements.

Modifying a while using an iterator has undefined behavior and is dangerous.

def equals [a] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns true if arrays a and b have the same elements in the same order, i.e. are structurally equal.

def exists [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ ef


Returns true if and only if at least one element in v satisfies the predicate f.

Returns false if v is empty.

def filter [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Returns an array of every element in arr that satisfies the predicate f.

def filterMap [aefb] ( f : a -> Option[b] \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Collects the successful results of applying the partial function f to every element in v.

def find [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ ef


Alias for findLeft.

def findIndexOf [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ ef


Alias for findIndexOfLeft.

def findIndexOfLeft [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ ef


Optionally returns the position of the first element in v satisfying f.

def findIndexOfRight [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ ef


Optionally returns the position of the first element in v satisfying f searching from right to left.

def findIndices [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[Int32] \ ef


Returns the positions of the all the elements in v satisfying f.

def findLeft [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ ef


Optionally returns the first element of v that satisfies the predicate f when searching from left to right.

def findMap [aefb] ( f : a -> Option[b] \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[b] \ ef


Returns the first non-None result of applying the partial function f to each element of v.

Returns None if every element of xs is None.

def findRight [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ ef


Optionally returns the first element of v that satisfies the predicate f when searching from right to left.

def flatMap [aefb] ( f : a -> Vector[b] \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Returns the result of applying f to every element in v and concatenating the results.

def flatten [a] ( vs : Vector[Vector[a]] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns the concatenation of all the vectors in the vector vs.

def fold [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : a \ Pure with Monoid[a]


Returns the result of applying combine to all the elements in v, using empty as the initial value.

def fold2 [cabef] ( f : c -> (a -> (b -> c \ ef)) c : c a : Vector[a] b : Vector[b] ) : c \ ef


Alias for foldLeft2.

def foldLeft [baef] ( f : b -> (a -> b \ ef) s : b v : Vector[a] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all elements in v going from left to right.

That is, the result is of the form: f(...f(f(s, a[0]), a[1])..., xn).

def foldLeft2 [cabef] ( f : c -> (a -> (b -> c \ ef)) c : c a : Vector[a] b : Vector[b] ) : c \ ef


Accumulates the result of applying f pairwise to the elements of a and b starting with the initial value c and going from left to right.

def foldMap [aefb] ( f : a -> b \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : b \ ef with Monoid[b]


Returns the result of mapping each element and combining the results.

def foldRight [abef] ( f : a -> (b -> b \ ef) s : b v : Vector[a] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all elements in v going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(a[0], ...f(a[n-1], f(a[n], s))...).

def foldRight2 [abcef] ( f : a -> (b -> (c -> c \ ef)) c : c a : Vector[a] b : Vector[b] ) : c \ ef


Accumulates the result of applying f pairwise to the elements of a and b starting with the initial value c and going from right to left.

def foldRightWithCont [aefb] ( f : a -> ((Unit -> b \ ef) -> b \ ef) z : b v : Vector[a] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value z and all elements in v going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(a[0], ...f(a[n-1], f(a[n], z))...). A foldRightWithCont allows early termination by not calling the continuation.

def forAll [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ ef


Returns true if and only if all elements in v satisfy the predicate f.

Returns true if v is empty.

def forEach [aef] ( f : a -> Unit \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Unit \ ef


Apply the effectful function f to all the elements in the vector v.

def forEachWithIndex [aef] ( f : Int32 -> (a -> Unit \ ef) v : Vector[a] ) : Unit \ ef


Apply the effectful function f to all the elements in the vector v.

def get [a] ( i : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : a \ Pure


Retrieves the value at position i in the vector v.

def groupBy [a] ( f : a -> (a -> Bool) v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[Vector[a]] \ Pure


Partitions v into subvectors such that for any two elements x and y in a subvector, f(x, y) is true.

A subvector is created by iterating through the remaining elements of v from left to right and adding an element to the subvector if and only if doing so creates no conflicts with the elements already in the subvector.

The function f must be pure.

def head [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure


Returns Some(x) if x is the first element of v.

Returns None if v is empty.

def indexOf [a] ( x : a v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ Pure with Eq[a]


Alias for IndexOfLeft

def indexOfLeft [a] ( a : a v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ Pure with Eq[a]


Optionally returns the position of the first occurrence of a in v searching from left to right.

def indexOfRight [a] ( a : a v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Int32] \ Pure with Eq[a]


Optionally returns the position of the first occurrence of a in v searching from right to left.

def indices [a] ( a : a v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[Int32] \ Pure with Eq[a]


Return the positions of the all the occurrences of a in v.

def init [efa] ( f : Int32 -> a \ ef len : Int32 ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Build an vector of length len by applying f to the successive indices.

def intercalate [a] ( sep : Vector[a] vs : Vector[Vector[a]] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns the concatenation of the elements in vs with the elements of sep inserted between every two adjacent elements.

def intersperse [a] ( sep : a v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a copy of v with sep inserted between every two adjacent elements.

def isEmpty [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure


Returns true if the given vector v is empty.

def isInfixOf [a] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns true if and only if a is a infix of b.

def isPrefixOf [a] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns true if and only if a is a prefix of b.

def isSuffixOf [a] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns true if and only if a is a suffix of b.

def iterator [ra] ( rc : Region[r] v : Vector[a] ) : Iterator[a, r, r] \ r


Returns an iterator over v

def join [a] ( sep : String v : Vector[a] ) : String \ Pure with ToString[a]


Returns the concatenation of the string representation of each element in v with sep inserted between each element.

def joinWith [aef] ( f : a -> String \ ef sep : String v : Vector[a] ) : String \ ef


Returns the concatenation of the string representation of each element in v according to f with sep inserted between each element.

def last [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure


Returns Some(x) if x is the last element of v.

Returns None if v is empty.

def length [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Int32 \ Pure


Returns the length of the vector v.

def map [aefb] ( f : a -> b \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Returns the result of applying f to every element in v.

The result is a new vector.

def mapWithIndex [aefb] ( f : Int32 -> (a -> b \ ef) v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Returns the result of applying f to every element in v along with that element's index.

That is, the result is of the form: [ f(a[0], 0), f(a[1], 1), ... ].

def maximum [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure with Order[a]


Optionally finds the largest element of v according to the Order on v.

Returns None if v is empty.

def maximumBy [a] ( cmp : a -> (a -> Comparison) v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure


Optionally finds the largest element of v according to the given comparator cmp.

Returns None if v is empty.

def memberOf [a] ( x : a v : Vector[a] ) : Bool \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns true if and only if v contains the element x.

def minimum [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure with Order[a]


Optionally finds the smallest element of v according to the Order on v.

Returns None if v is empty.

def minimumBy [a] ( cmp : a -> (a -> Comparison) v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure


Optionally finds the smallest element of v according to the given comparator cmp.

Returns None if v is empty.

def nth [a] ( i : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ Pure


Optionally returns the element at position i in the vector v.

def partition [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : (Vector[a], Vector[a]) \ ef


Returns a pair of vectors (v1, v2).

v1 contains all elements of v that satisfy the predicate f. v2 contains all elements of v that do not satisfy the predicate f.

def patch [a] ( i : Int32 n : Int32 a : Vector[a] b : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns b with the n elements starting at index i replaced with the elements of a.

If any of the indices i, i+1, i+2, ... , i+n-1 are out of range in b then no patching is done at these indices. If a becomes depleted then no further patching is done. If patching occurs at index i+j in b, then the element at index j in a is used.

def range ( b : Int32 e : Int32 ) : Vector[Int32] \ Pure


Returns a vector of all integers between b (inclusive) and e (exclusive).

Returns an empty vector if b >= e.

def reduceLeft [aef] ( f : a -> (a -> a \ ef) v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ ef


Applies f to all elements in v going from left to right until a single value v is obtained. Returns Some(v).

Returns None if v is empty.

def reduceRight [aef] ( f : a -> (a -> a \ ef) v : Vector[a] ) : Option[a] \ ef


Applies f to all elements in v going from right to left until a single value v is obtained. Returns Some(v).

Returns None if v is empty.

def repeat [a] ( n : Int32 x : a ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a vector with the element x repeated n times.

Returns an empty vector if n <= 0.

def replace [a] ( from : { from = a } to : { to = a } v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure with Eq[a]


Returns a copy of v with every occurrence of from replaced by to.

def reverse [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns the reverse of v.

def rotateLeft [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Rotate the contents of vector v by n steps to the left.

def rotateRight [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Rotate the contents of vector v by n steps to the right.

def scan [baef] ( f : b -> (a -> b \ ef) s : b v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Alias for scanLeft.

def scanLeft [baef] ( f : b -> (a -> b \ ef) s : b v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Accumulates the result of applying f to v going left to right.

That is, the result is of the form: [s , f(s, x1), f(f(s, x1), x2), ...].

def scanRight [abef] ( f : a -> (b -> b \ ef) s : b v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[b] \ ef


Accumulates the result of applying f to xs going right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: [..., f(xn-1, f(xn, s)), f(xn, s), s].

def sequence [ma] ( v : Vector[m[a]] ) : m[Vector[a]] \ Pure with Applicative[m]


Returns the result of running all the actions in the list v going from left to right.

def shuffle [a] ( rnd : Random v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ IO


Shuffles v using the Fisher–Yates shuffle.

def singleton [a] ( x : a ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a singleton vector containing `x``.

def slice [a] ( start : { start = Int32 } end : { end = Int32 } v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a fresh array with the elements from the vector v from index b (inclusive) until index e (exclusive).

def sort [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure with Order[a]


Returns a sorted copy of vector v, where the elements are ordered from low to high according to their Order instance.

The sort is not stable, i.e., equal elements may appear in a different order than in the input v.

The sort implementation is a Quicksort.

def sortBy [ab] ( f : a -> b v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure with Order[b]


Returns a sorted copy of vector v, where the elements are ordered from low to high according to the Order instance for the values obtained by applying f to each element.

The sort is not stable, i.e., equal elements may appear in a different order than in the input v.

The sort implementation is a Quicksort.

def sortWith [a] ( cmp : a -> (a -> Comparison) v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a sorted copy of vector v, where the elements are ordered from low to high according to the comparison function cmp.

The sort is not stable, i.e., equal elements may appear in a different order than in the input v.

The sort implementation is a Quicksort.

def span [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : (Vector[a], Vector[a]) \ ef


Returns a pair of vectors (v1, v2).

v1 is the longest prefix of v that satisfies the predicate f. v2 is the remainder of v.

def splitAt [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : (Vector[a], Vector[a]) \ Pure


Split the vector v at the position n returning the left and right parts. Position n is included in the right part.

Example: splitAt(2, Vector#{1, 2, 3, 4}) returns (Vector#{1, 2}, Vector#{3, 4})

Returns (v, Vector#{}) if n > length(xs). Returns (Vector#{}, v) if n < 0.

def sum ( v : Vector[Int32] ) : Int32 \ Pure


Returns the sum of all elements in the vector v.

def sumWith [aef] ( f : a -> Int32 \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Int32 \ ef


Returns the sum of all elements in the vector v according to the function f.

def take [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Alias for takeLeft.

def takeLeft [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a fresh vector taking first n elements of v.

Returns a copy of v if n > length(v).

def takeRight [a] ( n : Int32 v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a fresh vector taking last n elements of v.

Returns a copy v if n > length(v).

def takeWhile [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef a : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Alias for takeWhileLeft.

def takeWhileLeft [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Returns the longest prefix of v that satisfies the predicate f.

def takeWhileRight [aef] ( f : a -> Bool \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ ef


Returns the longest suffix of v that satisfies the predicate f.

def toArray [ra] ( rc : Region[r] v : Vector[a] ) : Array[a, r] \ r


Returns the vector v as an array.

def toChain [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Chain[a] \ Pure


Returns the vector v as a chain.

def toDelayList [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : DelayList[a] \ Pure


Returns the vector v as a DelayList.

def toList [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : List[a] \ Pure


Returns the vector v as a list.

def toMap [ab] ( v : Vector[(a, b)] ) : Map[a, b] \ Pure with Order[a]


Returns the association vector v as a map.

If v contains multiple mappings with the same key, toMap does not make any guarantees about which mapping will be in the resulting map.

def toMutDeque [ra] ( rc : Region[r] v : Vector[a] ) : MutDeque[a, r] \ r


Returns v as a MutDeque.

def toMutList [ra] ( rc : Region[r] v : Vector[a] ) : MutList[a, r] \ r


Returns the array a as a MutList.

def toNec [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Nec[a]] \ Pure


Optionally returns the vector v as a non-empty chain.

If v is empty return None, otherwise return the Nec wrapped in Some.

def toNel [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Option[Nel[a]] \ Pure


Optionally returns the vector v as a non-empty list.

If v is empty return None, otherwise return the Nel wrapped in Some.

def toSet [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : Set[a] \ Pure with Order[a]


Returns the vector v as a set.

def toString [a] ( v : Vector[a] ) : String \ Pure with ToString[a]


Returns a string representation of the given vector v.

def transpose [a] ( vs : Vector[Vector[a]] ) : Vector[Vector[a]] \ Pure


Returns the transpose of vs.

Returns a non-transposed copy of vs if the dimensions of the elements of vs are mismatched.

def traverse [aefmb] ( f : a -> m[b] \ ef v : Vector[a] ) : m[Vector[b]] \ ef with Applicative[m]


Returns the result of applying the applicative mapping function f to all the elements of the vector v going from left to right.

def unzip [ab] ( v : Vector[(a, b)] ) : (Vector[a], Vector[b]) \ Pure


Returns a pair of vectors, the first containing all first components in v and the second containing all second components in v.

def update [a] ( i : Int32 x : a v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a copy of v with the element at index i replaced by x.

Returns a copy of v if i < 0 or i > length(xs)-1.

def updateSequence [a] ( i : Int32 sub : Vector[a] v : Vector[a] ) : Vector[a] \ Pure


Returns a copy of v with the elements starting at index i replaced by sub.

def zip [ab] ( a : Vector[a] b : Vector[b] ) : Vector[(a, b)] \ Pure


Returns a vector where the element at index i is (x, y) where x is the element at index i in a and y is the element at index i in b.

If either a or b becomes depleted, then no further elements are added to the resulting vector.

def zipWith [abefc] ( f : a -> (b -> c \ ef) a : Vector[a] b : Vector[b] ) : Vector[c] \ ef


Returns a vector where the element at index i is f(x, y) where x is the element at index i in a and y is the element at index i in b.

If either a or b becomes depleted, then no further elements are added to the resulting vector.

def zipWithA [abefmc] ( f : a -> (b -> m[c] \ ef) v1 : Vector[a] v2 : Vector[b] ) : m[Vector[c]] \ ef with Applicative[m]


Generalize zipWith to an applicative functor f.