


def adjust [vefk] ( f : v -> v \ ef k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Updates m with k => map(f, vs) if k => vs is in m.

Otherwise, returns m.

def adjustWithKey [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> v \ ef) k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Updates m with k => map(f(k), vs) if k => vs is in m. Otherwise, returns m.


def count [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Int32 \ ef


Returns the number of mappings k => v in m that satisfy the predicate f.

Purity reflective: Runs in parallel when given a pure function f.

def difference [kv] ( m1 : MultiMap[k, v] m2 : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns the difference of m1 and m2 i.e m1 - m2 (left biased).

def empty [kv] : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure


Returns the empty MultiMap.

def exists [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Bool \ ef


Returns true if and only if at least one mapping in m satisfies the predicate f.

Returns false if m is the empty MultiMap.

def filter [vefk] ( f : v -> Bool \ ef m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns a MultiMap of all mappings k => v in m where v satisfies the predicate f.

def filterWithKey [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns a MultiMap of all mappings k => v in m where (k, v) satisfies the predicate f.

def find [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[(k, v)] \ ef


Alias for findLeft.

def findLeft [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[(k, v)] \ ef


Optionally returns the first mapping of m that satisfies the predicate f when searching from left to right.

def findRight [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[(k, v)] \ ef


Optionally returns the first mapping of m that satisfies the predicate f when searching from right to left.

def foldLeft [bvefk] ( f : b -> (v -> b \ ef) s : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all values in m going from left to right.

That is, the result is of the form: f(...f(f(s, v1), v2)..., vn).

def foldLeftWithKey [bkvef] ( f : b -> (k -> (v -> b \ ef)) s : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all key-value pairs in m going from left to right.

That is, the result is of the form: f(...f(f(s, k1, v1), k2, v2)..., vn).

def foldMap [vefbk] ( f : v -> b \ ef m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef with Monoid[b]


Returns the result of mapping each value and combining the results.

def foldMapWithKey [kvefb] ( f : k -> (v -> b \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef with Monoid[b]


Returns the result of mapping each key-value pair and combining the results.

def foldRight [vbefk] ( f : v -> (b -> b \ ef) s : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all values in m going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(v1, ...f(vn-1, f(vn, s))).

def foldRightWithCont [vefbk] ( f : v -> ((Unit -> b \ ef) -> b \ ef) z : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value z and all values in m going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(v1, ...f(vn-1, f(vn, z))). A foldRightWithCont allows early termination by not calling the continuation.

def foldRightWithKey [kvbef] ( f : k -> (v -> (b -> b \ ef)) s : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value s and all key-value pairs in m going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-1, vn-1, f(kn, vn, s))).

def foldRightWithKeyCont [kvefb] ( f : k -> (v -> ((Unit -> b \ ef) -> b \ ef)) z : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Applies f to a start value z and all key-value pairs in m going from right to left.

That is, the result is of the form: f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-1, vn-1, f(kn, vn, z))). A foldRightWithKeyCont allows early termination by not calling the continuation.

def foldWithKey [bkvef] ( f : b -> (k -> (v -> b \ ef)) s : b m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : b \ ef


Alias for foldLeftWithKey.

def forAll [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Bool \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Bool \ ef


Returns true if and only if all mappings in m satisfy the predicate f.

Returns true if m is the empty MultiMap.

def forEach [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Unit \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Unit \ ef


Applies f to every (key, value) of MultiMap m.

def forEachWithIndex [kvef] ( f : Int32 -> (k -> (v -> Unit \ ef)) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Unit \ ef


Applies f to tuple (index, key, value) formed of the keys and values of MultiMap m and the index of the traversal.

def get [kv] ( k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Set[v] \ Pure with Order[k]


Returns Some(vs) if k => vs is in m.

Otherwise returns Nil.

def insert [kv] ( k : k v : v m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Updates m with k => v.

def insertAll [ktv] ( k : k vs : t[v] m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v] Foldable[t]


Updates m with k => vs.

Where vs is any foldable container. If vs is empty nothing is inserted.

def intersection [kv] ( m1 : MultiMap[k, v] m2 : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns the intersection of m1 and m2.

def isEmpty [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Bool \ Pure


Returns true if and only if m is the empty MultiMap.

def iterator [rkv] ( rc : Region[r] m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Iterator[(k, Set[v]), r, r] \ r


Returns an iterator over all key-value pairs in m i.e. k => Set#{v_1, ..., v_n}.

def keysOf [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Set[k] \ Pure with Order[k]


Returns the keys of m.


def map [v1efv2k] ( f : v1 -> v2 \ ef m : MultiMap[k, v1] ) : MultiMap[k, v2] \ ef with Order[v2]


Returns a MultiMap with mappings k => f(v) for every k => v in m.

Purity reflective: Runs in parallel when given a pure function f.


def mapWithKey [kv1efv2] ( f : k -> (v1 -> v2 \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v1] ) : MultiMap[k, v2] \ ef with Order[v2]


Returns a MultiMap with mappings k => f(k, v) for every k => v in m.

Purity reflective: Runs in parallel when given a pure function f.

def memberOf [kv] ( k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Bool \ Pure with Order[k]


Returns true if and only if m contains the key k.

def reduceLeft [vefk] ( f : v -> (v -> v \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[v] \ ef


Applies f to all values in m going from left to right until a single value v is obtained. Returns Some(v).

That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(...f(f(v1, v2), v3)..., vn))

Returns None if m is the empty MultiMap.

def reduceLeftWithKey [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> (k, v) \ ef))) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[(k, v)] \ ef


Applies f to all mappings in m going from left to right until a single mapping (k, v) is obtained. Returns Some((k, v)).

That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(...f(f(k1, v1, k2, v2), k3, v3)..., kn, vn))

Returns None if m is the empty MultiMap.

def reduceRight [vefk] ( f : v -> (v -> v \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[v] \ ef


Applies f to all values in m going from right to left until a single value v is obtained. Returns Some(v).

That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(v1, ...f(vn-2, f(vn-1, vn))...))

Returns None if m is the empty MultiMap.

def reduceRightWithKey [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> (k, v) \ ef))) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Option[(k, v)] \ ef


Applies f to all mappings in m going from right to left until a single mapping (k, v) is obtained. Returns Some((k, v)).

That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-2, vn-2, f(kn-1, vn-1, kn, vn))...))

Returns None if m is the empty MultiMap.

def remove [kv] ( k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k]


Removes the mapping k from the MultiMap m.

def removeWithValue [kv] ( k : k v : v m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Removes the mapping of (k, v) from the MultiMap m it it exists.

def singleton [kv] ( k : k v : v ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns the singleton MultiMap where key k is mapped to value v.

def sumKeys [v] ( m : MultiMap[Int32, v] ) : Int32 \ Pure


Returns the sum of all keys in the MultiMap m.

def sumValues [k] ( m : MultiMap[k, Int32] ) : Int32 \ Pure


Returns the sum of all values in the MultiMap m.


def sumWith [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Int32 \ ef) m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Int32 \ ef


Returns the sum of all key-value pairs k => v in the MultiMap m according to the function f.

Purity reflective: Runs in parallel when given a pure function f.

def toAscList [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : List[(k, v)] \ Pure


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of singleton key-value pairs in ascending order.

def toAssocList [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : List[(k, Set[v])] \ Pure


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of (key, Set[value]) pairs in ascending order.

def toDescList [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : List[(k, v)] \ Pure


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of singleton key-value pairs in descending order.

def toList [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : List[(k, v)] \ Pure


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of singleton key-value pairs.

def toMap [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : Map[k, Set[v]] \ Pure


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of singleton key-value pairs in ascending order.

def toMutDeque [rkv] ( rc : Region[r] m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MutDeque[(k, Set[v]), r] \ r


Returns the MultiMap m as a list of singleton key-value pairs in ascending order.

def toString [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : String \ Pure with ToString[k] ToString[v]


Returns a string representation of m.

def union [kv] ( m1 : MultiMap[k, v] m2 : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ Pure with Order[k] Order[v]


Returns the union of m1 and m2.

def update [vefk] ( f : v -> Option[v] \ ef k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Updates m with k => v1 if k => v is in m and f(v) = Some(v1). Otherwise, returns m.

def updateWithKey [kvef] ( f : k -> (v -> Option[v] \ ef) k : k m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : MultiMap[k, v] \ ef with Order[k] Order[v]


Updates m with k => v1 if k => v is in m and f(k, v) = Some(v1). Otherwise, returns m.

def valuesOf [kv] ( m : MultiMap[k, v] ) : List[v] \ Pure with Order[k]


Returns the values of m.

Answer may contain duplicates where values were ascribed to multiple keys.